Important Message COVID-19 Updates

2020-04-14 21:13:36 518

Dear Customers,

The health and safety of our employees and our customers is very important to us. We are closely monitoring Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments and following the current guidance from the leading government and health authorities to ensure we are taking the right actions to protect our customers, employees and the communities where we operate.

Please also know that we continue to maintain our already high standards for services and support. As our customers are part of the essential services that keep running during this outbreak, our service and support team will now first try to solve any issues by phone, email or online remote via TeamViewer before dispatch any service technicians, and in case of a necessary site visit, we will make sure to our team are with shoe booties, protective masks and latex gloves, as well as hand sanitizer and wipes for employees to use before and after each customer visit. We remain vigilant in upholding these practices and will take additional precautions as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) and local governments.

We will continue to monitor this evolving situation and keep you informed of future updates.


KJC Engineering Inc